The SMED Method Explained!

Do you want to increase the productivity of your operations and eliminate unnecessary downtime? The SMED method is for you!

What is SMED?
This approach, developed in 1970 by Japanese engineer Shigeo Shingo, is one of the foundations of Toyota’s production system, which is at the core of Lean culture. SMED stands for “Single Minute Exchange of Die,” which essentially means performing quick tool changes. In other words, the SMED approach aims to reduce the setup time between different production runs in an organized and structured way.

Two Categories of Operations
This method is based on categorizing production operations into two types: internal and external operations. Internal operations are those that halt your production in the current process, while external operations are those that can be performed without stopping your production.

Four Major Steps
To properly implement the SMED method, four major steps are essential:

  1. Assess Your Current Situation
    Analyze your current production process by identifying the duration of each activity. Filming the process is very useful for documenting the work sequence. This will give you an objective view of your current operations, their duration, and the concrete issues observed. This is where you will list your internal and external operations.
  2. Identify External Operations Mistakenly Treated as Internal
    Next, determine which operations are being treated as internal when they could be completed without interrupting your production. This is where the magic happens, and the SMED method truly shines! You’ll need to think creatively to find solutions that convert as many internal operations as possible into external ones. The goal of this step is to minimize unnecessary downtime.
  3. Convert Internal Operations to External Operations
    The solutions you choose for conversion should consider the associated costs and the required tools, such as technology. It will all depend on the budget you’re willing to allocate for these changes. Remember, a small investment can sometimes yield impressive results!
  4. Reduce the Duration of Both Internal and External Operations
    The SMED method will also help you find ways to increase the speed of your operations, whether they are internal or external. Again, potential costs and required technology may influence the solutions you choose.

Why Choose the SMED Method?
In short, applying the SMED method will allow you to:

  • Increase efficiency;
  • Reduce or even eliminate production downtime;
  • Shorten delivery times;
  • Minimize or eliminate spare parts inventory and the space needed for storage;
  • Make your employees’ work easier.

It’s important to note that this process doesn’t happen overnight! It can take time to implement correctly.

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Start your Lean journey with this free eBook!

Have you ever wondered how you could improve your business? But beginning your journey down the the Lean path isn't so easy.
This free eBook:
  • will enlighten you on issues to address and questions you should ask yourself
  • will explain how to create a continuous improvement culture through 14 key principles
  • will introduce you to the appropriate training options
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