A solid experience

LEAN EXPERT is a consulting and coaching firm recognized for its Lean Management skills development programs.

Trustworthy people
with concrete experience

Our dedicated advisors are experts in process optimization and continuous improvement for SMEs and organizations looking to increase their performance and productivity.

Durable intervention plans

Our support method has been successfully tested several times. Showing off and flipping your organization upside down and leaving without further due: that’s not our policy!

That’s what success means
to Lean Expert

Increase and improve the performance of local companies
The courage to say and do the real things
Respect for organizations, individuals and the customers' wishes
Work without limits, fully dedicated to customer satisfaction
A human approach based on developing your employees
An ability to adapt rapidly to your changing reality
Guaranteed performance
Our team
Hugo Poulin
André Jr. Marois
Senior project manager
Samuel Nault
Frédéric Marois
Project manager
Jean-Gabriel Bernard
Industrial Engineering Technician - Intern
Gilles Delisle
Stéphanie Coté Mongrain
Team development and competence
Laurence Lessard
Industrial Engineering Technician - Intern
Marketing Advisor - Intern

Commencez votre démarche Lean avec ce eBook gratuit!

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé de quelle façon vous pouviez améliorer votre entreprise? Mais ce n'est pas si simple de commencer son cheminement vers la démarche Lean.
Ce eBook gratuit :
  • vous éclairera sur les problématiques à régler et les questions à vous poser
  • vous expliquera comment créer une culture d’amélioration continue en 14 principes
  • vous présentera les options de formations adaptées

Start your Lean journey with this free eBook!

Have you ever wondered how you could improve your business? But beginning your journey down the the Lean path isn't so easy.
This free eBook:
  • will enlighten you on issues to address and questions you should ask yourself
  • will explain how to create a continuous improvement culture through 14 key principles
  • will introduce you to the appropriate training options