Webinar #1 on the 14 principles: a resounding success!

Date : 12.09.2023

Webinar #1 (strategic planning and governance)

Here’s our Webinar #1 on the first of the 14 principles of operational excellence, all taken from the famous book “Toyota Way” by Jeffrey K. Liker! With nearly 40 registrations, we were very pleased with the results! Grateful people, an enthusiastic expert and, above all, a lot of knowledge passed on!

You can now access the replay of the latter (at the bottom of this news item). In the meantime, here’s a quick reminder:

On the program:

Strategic planning;
What is strategic planning? What’s it for? Is it essential? -> A comprehensive presentation by one of our experts;
Demonstration of the various solutions we offer;
Questions and answers.

Next webinar: September 21, 12:00 to 13:00 on the 2nd principle (Creating an effective organization to highlight problems)

Webinar link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk6pzFeO0IU&t=17s

Commencez votre démarche Lean avec ce eBook gratuit!

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé de quelle façon vous pouviez améliorer votre entreprise? Mais ce n'est pas si simple de commencer son cheminement vers la démarche Lean.
Ce eBook gratuit :
  • vous éclairera sur les problématiques à régler et les questions à vous poser
  • vous expliquera comment créer une culture d’amélioration continue en 14 principes
  • vous présentera les options de formations adaptées

Start your Lean journey with this free eBook!

Have you ever wondered how you could improve your business? But beginning your journey down the the Lean path isn't so easy.
This free eBook:
  • will enlighten you on issues to address and questions you should ask yourself
  • will explain how to create a continuous improvement culture through 14 key principles
  • will introduce you to the appropriate training options
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